I love Builders.


I love this time of year…

The smells, the colors and even the weather.

And of course, the “work”…

This is a time that most people slow down, but as you know this is time to turn it up.  As we always say; if you want to be anomaly, if you act like an anomaly.  That’s why it is so easy to shine because too many people self-dim their star.

Which brings us to the updated version of what’s coming.

A little behind, but all worth it…

I will be trying to get in touch with Builders over the next several days or week or so, I love connecting with you guys and you have made this project so special.  In the next several days we’ll be going over the new user creation process so that you’ll be able to log in and get going with everything.

We’ve been doing some interesting tests and the results are pretty amazing so I really look forward to your brilliance and input with everything.

In the meantime…

Yes everything has been saved and backed up by the way, there are tens of thousands of pages of brilliance that is – to be honest – the single best resource/education anywhere in the world when it comes to income ascension.  When I first started studying the previous “Builder Chronicles” I was blown away, and I am more so with each day.

So more on that coming and also approaches that are taking the previous mobility times (the length of time to go from zero to 10-30k/mo) and make them look like an eternity.  Being able to create better results, and get them faster… brilliant!

Okay so shortly coming the user/pass, etc. in the meantime if you have any questions or anything please email/call and let me or any of us know…

Thanks so much for all the brilliance – this is just the start – Talk soon Builders!